Friday, March 7, 2008

Evolution: A Scientific Debate Obj3 b

Debate this: Evolution--How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
Why have no species links been discovered? And, what might that indicate, if anything?
(Double Click the Video on the right and watch the video clip. Consider arguments for all sides of your debate.) Note: I am working ONLY toward the science progress for students on the TAKS test. I do not teach religion and do not espouse any viewpoint on this debate. Johnny Booker


Anonymous said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
It is so important that it will one day help us understand what will happen next in the evolution chain.

Why have no species links been discovered?
Knowing non-believers of evolution I wouldn't be surprised if someone or somethings destroyed the links and hid them very very well.

And, what might that indicate, if anything?
That many people are close minded idiots. I have more to say but it would blow your minds, no joke.

Shanece said...

I think that humans came from the monkey species because if you pay attention to their physical features they are just like most humans adn i think at one point they carried their babies and did other things the way that we do now too.

Teyunna said...

Wekk i really think that humans came from anilmals......But if you just really think about it, it juist don't sound to real. But when you look at a monkey and then look at a human they both have the same physical features....

Shane said...

I think that humans must have a fair amount in common with monkeys and apes. We look too much like them to not have anything in common. We should study the daily lives of these animals so that we may learn more about ourselves.

Anonymous said...

We dont know for sure but some scientist think we evolved becuase of similar features but if thats so then we could say pigs evloed closer to us becuase pigs have similar structes to man. overall i have not decided if i belive it or not.

Amanda said...

Since I stumbled onto your flyer advertising your blog, I thought I would check it out... It is a very interesting topic. I personally believe in the divine creation of man, but there is evolution in the since of survival of the fittest and adaptation. All creatures have to develop in order to live in a certain climate or environment. As time and the environment changes, the genetics of the animal change with it in order to exist. Does anyone else agree??

Anonymous said...

Studying evolution is really important because you need to know what happened in the past before we evolved to this point. Maybe all the species evolved so much that they became a different species and there is no more of what we were before.

darius_jones said...

I think humans came from adam and eve. I think people came from God and not monkeys. God lived but he was not a monkey.

Adrienne Wooten said...


twila said...

I think that is so dumb, how can humans be made from animals.

Cindy said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man? I think it is very important because we all want to know where we came from, and I think that God created us humjans from his own image so there you go..WE CAME FROM GOD!!

Anonymous said...

Humans and Monkeys have alot of things alike.If you look at a human then look at a monkey we dont look exactly alike but we have a bunch of similarites.

Tuxo said...

HMMM... Well i think that humans are humans and that animals are animals and humans did not come from the ape species and thats chiain stuff is juust cookoo (thats my comment) now i want my hundred and not silent lunch ok?

Amanda said...

Do you want to know what issues are arising just from this topic... check out this website..

Read the comments at the bottom of the article.... That is a debate!!!

Lisa said...

Humans and Monkeys are kind of alike us but not really because if you pay attention to their physical features they are kind of like us.

Mindy E said...

i think we came from some monkeys. Because like if you look at an ape and a person, they look alike. It's very crazy.

Unknown said...

I feel that the study of evolution is important. It gives us a chain of how everything evolved and how everything related. I feel we have similarities with monkeys, but i do believe that we are made from God. I also think that things happen for reasons, and this how we were created by God.

Monica M said...

Well i really dont know what to think, because humans and monkeys have very similar if they could stand up and if they didn't have all that hair they would be like humans. So im not sure, but its scary to think we came from animals.

Hillary said...

Well...If this is only for scientific improvement on the TAKS test, my answer will probably be "wrong". ;D
I am coming from the creationism standpoint. I definitely agree that is is important to study the 'evolution' of modern man...One primary reason being that, if I want to tell people I believe in Creation, it's necessary to have reasons why...and essential that I know in-depth information about both sides of the subject. No species links have been discovered because there simply are none. If we evolved, there would be evidence. Stronger than that which we've already found. To have a theory, you have to have SOLID evidence...and if we evolved, why are we not still evolving? Another thing, to think that all we are is advanced monkeys that happened by accident, where is the self-worth in that? Why would anyone ever have any confidence...any incentive...any anything. If we happened merely by accident, why should we??

SDoolittle said...

I think humans are animals too..if you really lokk at us most of us favor monkeys.I kniow it doesn't sound real and we don;t believe it but just look at them both and they have the same physical fratures....

Mindy E said...

I think the scientific study of evolution is very important because its important to know where humans evolved from. Personally I think we came from monkeys. If you look at the structure of a monkey and a man, they are very similar.or maybe its just me.I dont know. But then again i kind of think we came from god, but who knows....We will never be sure untill there is proof.If there is any..

GaryS said...

Man and monkeys are similiar due to the fact that we were made by the same God...the God that the Bible, that we all carry to church on Sunday's--and say we believe in--says Jehovah(God-the Father) "spoke" all things into existence...John 1:1-3 says"In the beginning was the Word(Jesus), and the Word(Jesus) was with God, and the Word(Jesus) was God.
Joh 1:2 He was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being."

Atheistic Scientists insist that evolution is fact...however the Laws of Thermodynamics might have to point us beyone the Natural:(read this)"The Laws of Thermodynamics leave some popular scientific theories in serious doubt. The fact that matter can neither be created or destroyed, according to the First Law of Thermodynamics, raises questions about where all of the matter in the universe came from. Interestingly, there are those who shrug off disagreements between the Laws of Thermodynamics and certain popular scientific theories. While the fundamental laws of matter and energy, the Laws of Thermodynamics, are used to measure truth in every other discipline, some scientists ignore these laws as they pertain to their theories. Since the Laws of Thermodynamics define the rules of the natural universe, how do we explain things that those Laws say are not possible? If matter cannot be created, where did it come from? It is certainly here, and nothing natural can create it. This makes a supernatural source more than just a possible conclusion - it makes it the only conclusion that fits the Laws of Thermodynamics. If something exists when natural laws say that it cannot be created, then something or someone operating outside of those laws must be responsible."

I submit the Biblical model..."In the beginning God created..." We therefore DID NOT and COULD NOT have evolved from monkeys...or, as I heard it said once..."From goo, to way of the zoo!" Blessings to all!
oh...further thought:
Study animals to better understand our common environment...we all produce our same species...Humans produce humans...monkeys produce monkeys...why else are there still monkeys around...are they just the dumb ones? :)

tionna said...

I think hummans do come from the monkey species because the have very similar features.

GaryS said...

Several of you have said you thought humans came from the monkey species...seems I remember that Science has classified all animals, bugs, plants, birds, etc. with the Genius&Species identifications. I don't ever remember hearing about a species that changed into another species....a human may be short or tall, brown hair or blonde...but still a human. A human may be born a dwarf/migit, but they are still a human...monkeys are monkeys. There are different KINDS of monkeys...but they are all still monkeys...a species cannot change into another species...for those that say it is possible...where is the proof.

We cannot say something came from something else because they look similiar...dogs and cats both look similar...have fur, walk on four legs, have ears on the top of their head, both eyes look forward and they have sharp teeth...why doesn't someone say the dogs came from cats? Because it is rediculous!!! Dogs are dogs..they begot dogs...Cats are the same. Cats have cats. Nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Well actually Gary, dinosaurs have been classified to have evolved into birds, and just think many of the animals we know today have evolved, like the alligator use to be I think 7 feet tall, and mammoths are giants compared to the "mammoths" today also known as Elephants, so the fact that we could have came from monkeys is still possible, and personally I think we humans are evolving into something else, cause we are all hearing about new studies about us, so it is possible we are evolving again.

Anonymous said...

It is important due to that we we know so much about the man that it will help in the future or even right now, it is also helping us understand other living things way of life

sandy said...

i think that the study of evolution is very important. evolution helps us understand all the veiwponts if were not informed about the past how would we even no were to start for the future... evolution helps us understand our life and life form

******G*A*R*C*I*A******** said...

I think that the study of evolution is very important to man becuase it is very important to know where we cam e from. I think that we evolved from some kind of monkey or ape. I think is very important

Anonymous said...

I htink that it is important to know where we came from or what we evolved from. I think that we evolved from some kind of monkey.

Anonymous said...

i think it is very important because i think we should understand what is going to happen next in life in the evolution chain.

i think monkeys came from the creation of humans because humans were the first on earth right?

Tuxo said...

Well Mr. Booker didnt think that my other comment "didnt answer any of the questions" so im trying again... Apparently Evolution is very important to the scientific study about modern man well its not really important for me because i think thats the past and u should let the future SUPRISE U,

Y has there been no species links been discoverd its because there is none and thats the bottom line of it ;)

hahahahahahhhaahahahahahha very funny clip and i do agree evolution is imposible.

trice said...

Monkeys and humans are the same in so many different ways. If you've noticed like I have, some humans do look like monkeys in the face.

Anonymous said...

I think for scientist the scientific study of evolution is very important. However, in my own and personal opinion, I can say that is really not important to me. My reasons are:
* First of all, If we had evolved from monkeys or apes, why are we still not evolving?
* Second, I believe in the Bible, therefore I believe I was made in God's image, So God made me.
* Third, it is proven in the Bible, Genesis 1:1 " In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth."
* Fourth, for all of you who think we come from the monkey, think about this... Where did the monkey come from?
* Fifth, Since we are the only creature who has a soul, where did our soul evolve from?
For now these are my own personal reasons.

Sangin Mama said...

Sorry, but I do not look like a monkey, lol.

I do not feel the study of it is important--for many reasons.

I think the study of Charles Darwin's evolution is immensely disrespectful to many, many people.
In fact, he believed that there were black people only because they weren't as evolved as white people! Are you listening, kids??!
It's totally racist!
Don't let someone tell you you are sub-human! You are fearfully and wonderfully made--from the very beginning, BY GOD Almighty.
And you are no accident, but beloved and precious.

By the way, Charles Darwin denounced his own theory before his death, saying it just wasn't possible... Somthing to think about...

A theory is just that--a theory--until facts can back it up and make it scientific law. Notice evolution is taught as 'fact', but still called a theory--that's because they can't call it anything else.

No cigar on evolution. It stinks in every way. I don't want to study it.

Anonymous said...

I also believe that we have a lot in common with monkey's and apes. We are all alike in many ways, we adapt to our surroundings like they do we try to survive the every day life like they do it's so many things that you can name off that we have in common with the monkey's and apes

Sayra said...

I really dont know what to think.. But i think every one wonders were we came from.. But i think we are similar to monkeys. Thats really weird though!!

Anonymous said...

I think that we are like monkeys and ape because we act like them. i also think at one point in time that we carried babys like them. Monkeys look like us because we are hairy like them.

Anonymous said...

Debate this: Evolution--How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
I think the study of evolution is very important to mankind and many scientist around the world.

Why have no species links been discovered? And, what might that indicate, if anything?
I think people and animals are related through history.

Anonymous said...

i think that the study of evolution is very important. evolution helps us understand all the veiwponts if were not informed about the past how would we even no were to start for the future... evolution helps us understand our life and life form. I think that humans must have a fair amount in common with monkeys and apes.

Anonymous said...

If the bible is telling the truth, then how did two people god made make so many different races, like Asians, Blacks, Africans, Mexicans, Afgans, and so many more, AND I HAVE SO MUCH MORE BUT IMMA SAVE THAT FOR ANYOE THAT WANTS TO CHALLENGE ME!!!

Emily said...

I personally believe that humans and monkeys have nothing alike. I believe that God created the world, humans, and animals.

Anonymous said...

First of all, after God made Adam and Eve, they sinned right? (didn't they eat the apple? I'm sure everyone knows that.) O.k after Adam and Eve... came Noah. God destroyed the world with the flood. and only Noah and his family survived because they believed what God told them about the flood right? so generally we are made in Adam's and Eve's image and they were made in God's image. So therefore, we come from Noah's family, because it says that they kept having children. you see, God didnt come to Earth to bring religion or races, He just wants people to believe in him. and even for the people who think we come from monkeys, what does race have to do with it? right?

Unknown said...

Animals are concerned with a few things: eating, sleeping, eliminating waste, and procreating. Some mammals have the ability to engage in play, but there is still no comparison between even the most advanced mammalian brains and that of a human. Other primates have the ability to use sticks or stones as tools, but only humans—practically from the beginning of the species 2.5 million years ago—have the ability to fashion tools. Only humans are gifted, or cursed, with restless minds ever in search of new knowledge

Sayra said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man? is really important because it would help us understand about in the evolution.I think we kind of look like monkeys thats what i think..That the little fishy want to become a frog so then it would become a human but something happens it DIES!! so it cant become a human any more.. said...

Atheistic Scientists insist that evolution is fact...however the Laws of Thermodynamics might have to point us beyone the Natural:(read this)"The Laws of Thermodynamics leave some popular scientific theories in serious doubt. The fact that matter can neither be created or destroyed, according to the First Law of Thermodynamics, raises questions about where all of the matter in the universe came from. Interestingly, there are those who shrug off disagreements between the Laws of Thermodynamics and certain popular scientific theories. While the fundamental laws of matter and energy, the Laws of Thermodynamics, are used to measure truth in every other discipline, some scientists ignore these laws as they pertain to their theories.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tuxo said...

OK GAMMA (JARMICHAEL) well if we came from them 2 ppl and alot of races poped up is because they moved to different reigons in the world for example... remember when all the continents where together and then they splited some ppl got taked with the land and moved closer to the equator making them a little dark (mexicans) and some got darker (africans) and some stayed in england (caucasin) etc...

u think that monkeys where the beggining well how come we talk and they dont and we walk straight and they dont and etc...


Anonymous said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
I know little of the topic of evolution.It's not that i'm not concerned , i guess my religion keeps me from acknowledging. Although I think evolution will have a great impact upon us.As everything it will have positive and negative outcomes.

Hillary said...

wowza! it is friggin' awesome how many people have responded to this! Kewlio!

Hillary said...

Hey y'all...Check this out! It's a supertrailer for a new movie that's coming out! It looks really interesting..concerning the topic we're talking about here---

Amanda said...


This trailer is extremely interesting. Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

i think it is important because every one should know something or any thing about evelotuin

Unknown said...

i think it is important because every one should know something or any thing about evelotuin

coleslaw said...

I think that they should study urther to try to find more answers to the questions that are unanswered to mankind.With these studies we will be able to benefit through medicine,technology,space discoveries.

zack_parker said...

Evolution is important because without it there would be no outdoors okay. Evolution has to do with chemicals and the air that we breath. It is to keep us us were there isn't to much polution.

Unknown said...

To tell you the truth, i think that humans did evolve from an animal. Look how the monkey behaves as in human like acts.

tionna said...

I think scientific evolution is very important because it lets you know,or helps you to find out where you really come from.Yes, I think we all came from monkies at some point and time because monkies have very similar features as a human being.

Unknown said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
I think it is impotant so that we know how human evolve.

Why have no species links been discovered? And, what might that indicate, if anything? I think because of human activity, and probably because of the theory that the seven continents were once a single continent.

Anonymous said...

How important id htte scientific study of evolution for modern man?>
I think that God made us, so how can we come from a monkey?
Also, there are no species links that have been discovered, so how can we prove anything?

Goomba said...

I think that it is important for people to study evolution because we can finally figure out if we are from monkeys or not.

Anonymous said...

I think the scienific study of evolution is important for modern man because we might need the information in the future.I think there hasn't been any species discovered because it happened a long time ago.

*aShLey* said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?

i really dont think we come from "apes". But i would like to know where i came from because i think it would be a great discovery for us as humans. It would really help us solve the question "Where did we "really" come from?"

Unknown said...

I sand on the creation point of view i think that evolution is very imporant because we need to know how the world is changing.

Unknown said...

Evolution is important. With it, we will know exactly where we came from and who we came from. Knowing that, we will learn more about human history and how we have changed since then. Evolution is just another subject of science that doesn't need to be explained, but needs to be proved.

Species links to humans? The only one I can think of off the bat are primates. Knowing these species links will help us form an idea of where we humans came from and growed.

Unknown said...

I think that evolution is important to study because it helps us understand and respond to changes in ways that improve human life.

Darius_jones Jesus was a big hairy gorilla not a monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!

gary i love you homie G

Unknown said...

Knowing the history of evolution is pretty important. The proof of it is pretty essential for everyone, because evolution is still not a proven fact. There are a lot of unanswered questions, and the further study of evolution will help us understand what we will become in the future. Will we evolve again?

Unknown said...

i believe that people originated from god the father, animals are animals, people are people, there might be similarities, but all in all, you have to have faith, believe without seeing.

Unknown said...

praise the lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

maybe there have been various instances of minuscule evolution...but how did this world better yet this universe get here it cant be from monkeys there has to be a creator praisa jesus lordy lordy.....

Unknown said...

booker go to church

Unknown said...

How important is the scientific study of evolution for modern man?
~we need to know what we are, where we come from, and how our species came to be. we also need to know the future of man.

Why have no species links been discovered?
~I dont know, i dont think we'll ever know, but i'm sure there are some links.

And, what might that indicate, if anything?
~nothing, there is just some things we'll never know, and if evolution is one of those things, then oh well.

Unknown said...

Scientific study of evolution is important for the modern man because the genetic study of human beings has been an expanding topic in science. Genetics help us understand how certain species become successful and unsuccessful. we learn about how certain organisms expand and how they manipulate their environment.

There are no species linked because it is hard to find a common ancestor.

Unknown said...

i think that evelution is real and it makes a lot more sence than any religion.

Unknown said...

kimbo your ridiculously stupid.....
evolution is a well proven fact of life haven't you noticed how in the past 100 years the average human height has gone up, it started with cro magnon and Neanderthals who did evolve from monkeys then after them 35,000-350,000 years later came us....

Unknown said...

I think that evolution is a real and fast evolving thing. if you studie the activities of monkeys you will notice alot of similarities.

Unknown said...

i believe that we evolved from a monkey or monkey-like species. If god made us the way we are, then we wouldnt have found older forms of the human species from thousands of years ago. This is proof that we evolved from an older species of animals and not just randomly appeared from nothing.

Unknown said...

personally i think that people came from God. im not saying evolution is wrong either. anythin is possible, i mean we werent alive when the begining of the world or eveolution started so how are we supposed to be 100% sure that all these theorys are correct? but since i am a christian, i believe what the bible says. oh and mr. booker resembles a monkey so he might have come from them :) JK

Laura said...

I can see both sides of this debate. There are a lot of similarities between apes & humans such as physical appearance & behavior but then there is the bible that says that man was created by god. I'm not quiet sure on my own opinion on this topic & I think that it will continue to be a big debate.

Unknown said...

i believe that we all came from god, including both humans and animals..
i have a religion, so these questions are hard to answer because they are philosophical..
maybe humans are related to animals in some sort of way..i don't know..
However the scientific study of man is important because it helps us find out about genetics..
no specie links have been discovered because maybe they haven't found any?..
It might indicate that they need to study it more

Anonymous said...

evolution started when chuck norris spilt himself in two then proceded to mate with himself to create the human race

okizari said...

I think that humans came from a monkey species, because there is alot of scientific evidence from this. There's fossils that show that we were evolving throughout the many of years, and in my opinion, God didn't make us.

Yeah :D

Unknown said...

hahahaha... humans came from monkeys.. if the bible is right and we came from just two people then we wouldnt have so many different looking people in the world..haha

Unknown said...

i think that humans did come from the monkey species. The reason i think this is because if you look at a monkey and a human they both have the same physical features.

Unknown said...

i think humans came from Jason's belly button;D

Anonymous said...

Believing in evolution makes more sense than saying a magic man made everything.

Unknown said...

It depends on how everyone Views this, From what i know, Different religions have different View points. i am a passive Christian so of course i beleive that life exists and Evolves because of god, mabye atheist's believe in some Koala god because they look depressed and dont beleive in themselves. and then the chuck norris theory, Chuck norris and Mr. T walked into eachother and made an awsomeness explosion and created life, this is known as the bigger bang. not to be confused with the big bang..

okizari said...

I believe that we came from monkeys. Scientists have found alot of evidence that links us to them in some way. There are still many species to be discovered. I don't think we will ever know the whole truth about where we come from. - Ashley L.

Anonymous said...

If you look more deeper into life instead of just making a broad statement saying God created everything, you can see that monkeys and humans have many similarities in looks and behavior. Keep in mind everything is a theory, that includes both evolution and God.

Unknown said...

I think humans evolved from apes...

Unknown said...

my name is Earl Hank the 1st and i believe that science for mankind would be ok when we dont use our tax money to pay for people to wast or money for none in portant resons or reserch that really isnt inportant. if the science inderstry would acutally spend the money and time on actuall stuff that is inportant and meaning full to help others.

sinserly, Earl Hank the 1st

Unknown said...

i think that everyone came from their parents... you know what i am talking about

Unknown said...

evolution is good

Unknown said...

sciense rocks and it dose good

Unknown said...

i think that we could all use some pie

Unknown said...

i agree with magical person. I think that the theory of evolution is not really important for us. i do believe that we should learn about the theory of survival of the fittest... but everyone can study what they want to and what they think is important to them. however i know that i did not come from an ape, so you all of you can argue if you came from an ape or not...

Unknown said...

Everyone needs to calm down
I think that Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection (he never used the term evolution) should coincide with God's creation of Man.

What i'm saying is that I believe that God created the first life, and it evolved into the creatures we are familiar with today.

Evolution is a proven fact
The tyrannasaurus rex evolved into todays chicken, and the flying animals of that time (pteradactyls and such) evolved into the birds today. Bacteria and viruses can evolve to become immune to certain antiseptics and medicines.

If anyone wants to know more, i can answer some questions.

Click on this link too. Blue-Footed Boobies

Unknown said...

I think having your students posting their personal opinions on your own public blog for a grade is abhorrent. It's obvious you are doing this only to promote your blog. I don't want to share my opinions with you or anyone else on the internet.

Mr. Booker's Science Blog said...

I created this blog only for students. I have no reason to promote it. Students benefit from the intelligent discussion and interaction with modern technology. It is not a requirement to post. It is not abhorrent. Participation in this blog may match participation in class.